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Standard API

If you’re looking for an API that has a complete data coverage and could be used commercially, please look at the commercial API here.


The purpose of this document is to provide information about the API functionality of the Patchstack vulnerability database.

API Usage

The Patchstack Vulnerability API for Developers is limited to 500 requests per 24 hours.

The base URL of the API is

All responses are in JSON format. For performance reasons, responses are cached until we update the database after which the appropriate caches are cleared.

An API key is required. This API key should be present in the PSKey HTTP request header.

You can request an API key by logging into your Patchstack App account and then by going to the Upgrades page Please enter your use-case scenario and we will review your request.

Find Vulnerability

Description: Retrieve vulnerabilities of a specific plugin, theme or WordPress core version.
Endpoint: /product/TYPE/NAME/VERSION/EXISTS?
Method: GET

TYPE = theme, plugin, wordpress
NAME = Slug of the theme, slug of the plugin, or “wordpress” in case TYPE is set to wordpress
VERSION = Version to check for vulnerabilities
EXISTS = Optional flag that will not return all vulnerabilities but only a boolean response whether or not there are vulnerabilities. This flag being present results in a faster response.

Example response (

"vulnerabilities": [
"id": 4253,
"title": "WordPress Tutor LMS plugin <= 1.5.2 - Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability",
"disclosed_at": "2020-02-04T00:00:00+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-05-27T10:23:01+00:00",
"product_slug": "tutor",
"product_name": "Tutor LMS",
"product_name_premium": null,
"product_type": "Plugin",
"fixed_in": "1.5.3",
"direct_url": ""
"id": 4386,
"title": "WordPress Tutor LMS plugin <= 1.7.6 - Multiple Blind/Time-based SQL Injection (SQLi) vulnerabilities",
"disclosed_at": "2021-03-15T00:00:00+00:00",
"created_at": "2022-05-27T10:23:01+00:00",
"product_slug": "tutor",
"product_name": "Tutor LMS",
"product_name_premium": null,
"product_type": "Plugin",
"fixed_in": "1.7.7",
"direct_url": ""

Example response (

"vulnerable": true