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Seats and team features are available on the Developer and Business plan users only.

To manage your seats and team settings, click on your name on Patchstack App (at the bottom left corner of the screen), then navigate to the Team page, or click here:

On the Team page you can manage the seats. The seat management feature allows you to add sub-users to your account to which you can assign specific permissions and/or sites.
When you add a new user, they will receive an email with a link to activate their account.

Available roles

  1. Owner: Full control of all users and sites of all users, only 1 owner can exist.
  2. Admin: Full control of all users and sites of all users, but cannot alter owners or other admins.
  3. Manager: Full control of all sites of all users, cannot modify users.
  4. Member: Read and write access to sites assigned to this user, cannot modify users or delete sites.

In order to attach a site to a user, go to Site > Action button > Attach To User.

Adding a seat user

To add a seat user, click on Add seat user.
Add a name, email address and role of the seat user.

Note that you can only add email addresses that have not yet registered in Patchstack.

After adding the user, you can see the added user in the table below.
An invitation will be sent to that email asking to register an account on Patchstack App.

Attaching a seat user to the site

After the user has been added to Patchstack App, you can then choose to which sites would you want to attach this user. For that, scroll down to the Sites table. You can see all your sites in this view.
Click on Action and Attach to user on the corresponding site.

You will be shown a popup, where you can choose, which seat attaches to the site.
Pick the newly created user and click on “Attach”.

Now the new user can manage the site from their own Patchstack App account.

Detaching a seat user from the site

To detach a user from managing the site, scroll down to the Sites table on the page. Pick a site and click Action and Detach from user. You will be shown a confirmation popup.