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General protection overview page is accessible for the Community (paid), Developer and Business plan users.

Navigate to the general protection overview page by visiting Protection from the navigation menu, or click here:

On this page, you can:

  • Manage the protection modules across all your sites
  • See the firewall blockings data across all your sites
  • See the firewall log history across all your sites

Protection modules

A module is a collection of firewall rules managed by Patchstack. Assign modules to your app to protect them. You can manage the protection modules, by clicking on the green Manage button.
📖 Read more about the protection modules here.


From this section, you see, how many times did Patchstack firewall block the traffic for potential threats across all your sites.
By default, it shows the results for the last 30 days. You can also choose to show it last 7 days, or 60 days, by clicking on the filter at the top right corner of this section.
On the right side of the protection activity section, Patchstack App shows the top 5 IP’s blocked, and top 5 threats blocked in the given period of time.

Log history

Each hacking attempt or attack is shown as a separate log entry. You can click on any log entry to view more details about the particular blocking. You can use the filters and search bar, to find entries of particular application, IP or URL from the protection log history.

To see the details of any attack, click on a table row. A popup with details opens next.