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Automatic updates

Accessible for the Developer and Business plan users only.

On the Automatic updates subpage, you can see which of your sites have auto-updates enabled. You can turn automatic updates for each of your sites on / off.
Patchstack also has an option to only auto-update such software that has any vulnerabilities detected.

For each site, you have the following options:

  1. Auto-update only vulnerable components (recommended)
  2. Auto-update WordPress core
  3. Auto-update plugins
  4. Auto-update themes

Turning on the auto-updates

To turn on the auto-updates feature, click the Change button of the corresponding site in the table.
You will be shown a popup, which lets you toggle auto-updates for:

  • Only vulnerable software versions
  • For all WordPress core versions
  • For all plugin versions
  • For all theme versions

To activate any of the options, toggle the buttons. (see the image below).

❗️ Keep in mind that updating software could potentially break your site, but for security reasons, it is recommended to auto-update at least your vulnerable components.

After toggling the buttons, click Update.