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List of vulnerability icons with descriptions

There are several icons shown about Patchstack vulnerability entries. Below is a list of what each icon means.

No update available
This software is found vulnerable, but it has no updates yet. It is recommended to turn on Patchstack firewall, or to disable and remove this plugin until update is available.

Update available
This plugin has an update available. It is recommended to do this immediately as new software versions usually come with patched code (in case it is found vulnerable).

High patch priority
Red exclamation mark indicates that this software version is expected to be mass-exploited or has already known to be exploited vulnerability. It is recommended to turn on Patchstack firewall as high patch priority vulnerabilities receive a vPatch from Patchstack. Update this software as soon as possible.

Medium patch priority
Yellow exclamation mark indicates that this software version is not expected to become mass-exploited, but could potentially be exploited in more targeted attacks. It is recommended to turn on Patchstack firewall as medium patch priority vulnerabilities receive a vPatch from Patchstack. Update this software as soon as possible.

Low patch priority
Gray exclamation mark indicates that this software version is not expected to become exploited. It is important to update this software when possible, although the security risk is very low. Low patch priority vulnerabilities won’t receive a vPatch from Patchstack.

CVSS score
These numbers represent the CVSS score given to the vulnerability. The higher the CVSS score, the more severe is the vulnerability.
Low (0.0 - 3.9); Medium (4.0 - 6.9); High (7.0 - 8.9); Critical (9.0+)