Reports overview
Patchstack PDF security reports feature is available for all Patchstack users.
To view the Patchstack security reports page, navigate to Reports link in Patchstack App menu, or click here:
From the Reports page, you can generate PDF security reports for your sites.
With Patchstack, you can automatically schedule your reports generation so you don’t have to manually generate them.
Patchstack has 2 different types of reports available:
- Snapshot report
This is a security report about the current situation on the website. Snapshot report is a free feature for all Patchstack users. - Developer report
This is a periodic security report about the situation on the website, with security suggestions and improvements. Developer report generation is available for the Developer and Enterprise plan users only. Developer reports can be scheduled to be auto-generated monthly, or weekly.
On the Reports page you can view and download all the previously generated PDF reports.
To download a report, click on the download icon that is located at the left side of the table.
To view and manage your scheduled reports, click on Scheduled reports tab. Note that report scheduling is for the Developer and Enterprise plan users.