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Program details

On this page, you can see a complete overview about this software:

  • How many vulnerability reports in total have been posted
  • The percentage of vulnerabilities that are fixed
  • The percentage of vulnerabilities that are fixed on time
  • What is the current version of your software
  • Estimated amount of installations
  • When was the last update released for your software

On the right side, you see the date when the software was added to Patchstack VDP program.

Vulnerability reports table

Below is a table, which shows all the vulnerability reports of this software. The table has 3 tabs:

  • Present - these are the vulnerabilities that will need to be fixed as soon as possible
  • Fixed - these are the vulnerabilities that have been fixed in the past
  • Contributors - shows the names of researchers, who have found the vulnerabilities from your software

Open any report, to view more details of particular vulnerability and see how to fix it. Take a look at this article to learn how to upload a security fix.

Vulnerability reports icons in the table

The table also shows general information of this vulnerability:

  • First icon shows, who published this vulnerability
  • Second icon indicates, whether it’s a low / medium / high patch priority vulnerability
  • We show the XP that is given by Patchstack to the researcher who found the vulnerability
  • Click on Upload fix in the vulnerabilities table to provide Patchstack a patched version of software
  • Vulnerability report publishing date